Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside you And it looked like everyone was havin' fun The kind of feeling I've waited so long
Don't stop come a little closer As we jam the rhythm gets stronger There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun We were dancing all night long
The time is right to put my arms around you You're feeling right You wrap your arms around too But suddenly I feel the shining sun Before I knew it this dream was all gone
Ooh I don't know what to do About this dream and you I wish this dream comes true
Ooh I don't know what to do About this dream and you We'll make this dream come true
Why don't you play the game ? Why don't you play the game ?
One more time One more time One more time we're gonna celebrate yeah Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing One more time we're gonna celebrate yeah Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing One more time we're gonna celebrate yeah Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing One more time we're gonna celebrate yeah Oh yeah One more time One more time we're gonna celebrate yeah Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing One more time we're gonna celebrate yeah Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing One more time You know I'm just feeling Celebration Tonight Celebrate Don't wait too late You know You don't stop You can't stop We're gonna celebrate One more time One more time One more time Celebration You know we're gonna do it right Tonight Just feeling Music's got me feeling the need Need Yeah Come on all right We're gonna celebrate One more time Celebrate and dance for free Music's got me feeling so free Celebrate and dance so free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and dance for free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and dance so free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and dance for free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and dance for free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and dance for free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and feel so free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and feel so free One more time Music´s got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and feel so free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and feel so free One more time Music's got me feeling so free We're gonna celebrate Celebrate and feel so free
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be the reason why I'm freeing my trapped soul Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be the reason why I'm freeing my trapped soul Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you
Ahum, ahum
Must be, a reason, why I'm, king of Must be, a reason, why I'm, king of
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be the reason why I'm freeing my trapped soul Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you
Ahum, ahum
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be the reason why I'm freeing my trapped soul Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be the reason why I'm freeing my trapped soul Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you
Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be the reason why I'm freeing my trapped soul Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you
2007. 12. 01.
Mielőtt bárki bármi rosszra gondolna, élek; és, hacsak nem üt el egy kamion, életben is maradok még jó sokáig. :)
Ma (tegnap?) megfájdult a térdem. Nem is kicsit. Jön a rossz idő? Dehát már így sincs éppen túl szép idő, nem? Akkor meg? Irgum-burgum.
Diétáztam. Igen, ez már mult idő. Elegem lett. Jó, azért vigyázni fogok, hogy ne legyen újra komoly bajom. De azért ami ezzel a hülye candida diétával jár! Most komolyan! Grr! Arra hajtanak, hogy megdögöljön a beteg, és akkor tutira elpusztulnak a gombák is. Hát nem! Menjenek a fenébe!
A gomba monnyon le!!! Szervezzünk tűntetést! :D
Ezen felül házidogákat kéne írnom. Of course nem állok velük sehogy. Az egyiket december 1-ig kellett volna leadni. De nem sikerült rájönnöm, hogy szombaton mégis hogy adhatnám le. Marad a hétfő. Csak ne legyen gond belőle. A másikat meg szerdáig... Szép... Amúgy a szakdogát is kéne már írnom. Jó vagyok mi?