2009. 01. 20.


This is the fourth year i write this blog! Gosh! I'm old!



Ez a negyedik év, hogy írom ezt a blogot. Manóba! Öreg vagyok!

És most finoman és nőiesen fogalmaztam. :D

Jackie's homepage

Just in case.

The Costuming Geek

It's a homepage of a new friend from www.adogsbreakfastmovie.com. And truly great! :)

2009. 01. 15.

Looking for these books

Victorian Photography, Painting and Poetry by Lindsay Smith
The Victorians: Photographic Portraits by Audrey Linkman
Portraits Fame and Beauty in Victorian Society by G.F. Watts

And books like these for my thesis. If you happen to have one or know where to buy, please let me know it. :)