A pofám leszakad ettől a nap- és pénzlopó bandától.
A videómegosztókat akarják most megadóztatni.
Megint csak kérdem én, mi alapján számolják ki, hogy ki, miért és mennyit fizet nekik. Azoknak, akik amúgy nem képviselik a magyar művészvilágot, főleg nem az egész világ művészeit.
The way you're bathed in light reminds me of that night god laid me down into your rose garden of trust and I was swept away with nothin' left to say some helpless fool yeah I was lost in a swoon of peace you're all I need to find so when the time is right come to me sweetly, come to me come to me
love will lead us, alright love will lead us, she will lead us can you hear the dolphin's cry? see the road rise up to meet us it's in the air we breathe tonight love will lead us, she will lead us
oh yeah, we meet again it's like we never left time in between was just a dream did we leave this place? this crazy fog surrounds me you wrap your legs around me all I can do to try and breathe let me breathe so that I so we can go together!
love will lead us, alright love will lead us, she will lead us can you hear the dolphin's cry? see the road rise up to meet us it's in the air we breathe tonight love will lead us, she will lead us
life is like a shooting star it don't matter who you are if you only run for cover, it's just a waste of time we are lost 'til we are found this phoenix rises up from the ground and all these wars are over
over over singin' la da da, da da da over come to me singin' la da da da, da da da come to me
love will lead us, alright love will lead us, she will lead us can you hear the dolphin's cry? see the road rise up to meet us it's in the air we breathe tonight love will lead us, she will lead us
life is like a shooting star it don't matter who you are if you only run for cover, it's just a waste of time we are lost 'til we are found this phoenix rises up from the ground and all these wars are over
over over
love will lead us, alright love will lead us, she will lead us can you hear the dolphin's cry? see the road rise up to meet us it's in the air we breathe tonight love will lead us, she will lead us
Kivételesen ma szabadnapom van. Meg holnap is és holnapután is.
Szeretnék a barátaimmal találkozni. Persze a többség csak délután/este ér rá.
Azon kevesek egyike, aki ma véletlenül ráért volna reggel is, nagy valószínűséggel eltörte a lábujját, így most nem megyünk sehova. Pedig milyen jó lett volna.
Egyedül meg semmi kedvem IKEAzni. Úgy nem az igazi.